Sometimes the most suitable “investment” idea may be to pay off your debt. A recommendation like that won’t bring us any short-term business, but it will bring us financially strong, long-term clients.
Before we can provide any advice, we need to look at your entire financial position from a bird’s-eye view. Many investors have never taken a complete inventory of their finances and therefore don’t really understand their own risk profile.
Your goals may be easily attainable or they may prove to be infeasible. After helping you outline your objectives, we chart a course to get to them. We try to identify potential problems early and solve them before they develop. Financial problems are like weeds; if left untended, they can spread and grow like...well...weeds. With the proper plan, both effort and time can be saved.
Once you know where you are financially, and where you wish to go, a set of options will unfold. We will work with you to understand your choices and the strategies that will help you realize your goals. Indeed, there are countless investment methods from which to choose. We have studied them all, and we’re fairly opinionated as to which ones are prudent.
In those times of expansion, you may be tempted by popular, but pricey, investments. Educated clients stand a greater chance of avoiding the classic emotional mistakes that plague investors at extreme market highs and lows.
Buying when the mood is euphoric or selling when everyone is panicking can irreparably harm your portfolio. We feel it is our obligation to educate our clients on investment strategy and risk management, so that they have the necessary conviction to stay on course.
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Securities offered through Hightower Securities, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, Hightower Advisors, LLC is a SEC registered investment adviser. ©2025 Hightower Advisors. All Rights Reserved.